Understanding Doshas

Understanding Doshas

Understanding Doshas: It’s quite a wonder why different people’s bodies react differently to the same experiences. It is because they’re all constituted by different doshas that are the biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They have a physical and mental impact which is ultimately reflected in your health.

These doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. All three are present in everybody. It is simply the ratio of the presence of each that makes us different from the person next to us. Knowing your constitution can help you understand yourself, your habits and tendencies. Your constitution also affects your emotional character and your resilience to diseases.


A Vata body has elements of space and air. The body seems to be reflecting qualities such as being dry, rough, light, cold, subtle, and mobile. A person who is inclined to Vata characteristics is linked to creativity, communication, quickness of thought and flexibility. Vata gets imbalance when one drinks too much coffee or tea. Other ways that cause imbalance are smoking, drinking alcohol, an irregular routine and sleeping late.


A Pitta body has elements of fire and water. One could label a Pitta body as one that is oily, sharp, hot, light, moving, liquid, and acidic. That will be reflected in the person’s physiology as well. Pitta – like fire and water – spreads rather quickly and needs to be controlled. The Pitta governs qualities such as joy, courage, willpower, anger, jealousy, and mental perception, and they can be quick to change and be affected. The Pitta dosha gets imbalance when one eats during being angry, smokes, overworks and is overly competitive.


A Kapha body has elements of water and earth. It literally would translate to “that which sticks”. Therefore, Kapha bodies are structured, solid, sturdy and cohesive. The main qualities of a Kapha is that they are moist, cold, heavy, dull, soft, sticky, and static. The presence of Kapha dosha in the body governs the love, patience, forgiveness, greed, and attachment. Overeating can cause an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. That, along with not engaging in physical activity, spending a lot of time indoors and avoiding intellectual challenges can also cause imbalance.

One body can have the presence of more than one dosha in the majority. It can be Vatta-Pitta, Pitta-Kapha or Kapha-Vata, or even Tridoshic. It is important to stay aware and help balance your imbalances.



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