The Process of Shirodhara Head Massage

The Process of Shirodhara Head Massage

The process of Shirodhara involves treating your forehead, as the nerves are highly concentrated by pouring a stream of warm Ayurvedic liquids. Gentle pressure of warm medicated liquid is applied on the forehead leaving you in a meditative state.

The procedure to be followed are

  • For this massage technique, you can lay on your back on the Shirodhara table.
  • Pillow or a small cloth can be placed under your neck for support.
  • The Shirodhara pot contains medicated liquid hanging from the ceiling pointing towards your forehead region.
  • The pot is kept at the height of 10 centimetres from your forehead.
  • Shirodhara pot has a pore at the bottom where the warm liquids are slowly poured to your forehead in oscillatory motions.
  • The continuous stream of medicated liquid passes from the right lateral region of your forehead to the left lateral region.
  • The liquids are wiped off from your forehead after 45 minutes and you need to relax for another half an hour.
  • Have a bath with medicated warm water.

The Ingredients To Use

  • Shirodhara uses ayurvedic oils like lakshadi thailam, sesame oil, Brahmi thailam, ksheerabala thailam, Shatavari tailam, yashtimadhu and manjishtadi thailam are used for the treatment of Vata disorders.
  • Pitta imbalances can be treated with ghee, milk or coconut water.
  • The fermented liquids like danyamalam, buttermilk and cereals are used for Kapha imbalances.



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