Kashayas - The Herbal Medicine
Kashayas are extracted from medicinal herbs and plants that yield water-based mixtures. Other names of Kashayam called Kwath and Kashaya, a type of ayurvedic formulation prepared by boiling herbs in water. Water and herbs are the main ingredients of these concoctions. Herbs can be varied to the purpose of use and therapeutic properties. These type of formulations may contain water extract of prescribed herbs and highly beneficial for providing quick relief in the most of the diseases.
In modern science the kashaya can be termed as “decoctions”. Decoction subtly means the extraction of water-soluble substances of alkaloids derived from plant parts by boiling them in water. The type of formulations are in liquid form. Kashayam is also considered as herbal teas of various herbal blends.
- Ashtavargam Kashayam is the ayurvedic medicine for rheumatic diseases. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions that reduce joint pain, inflammation, swelling, anxiety, stress and stiffness.
It is highly beneficial for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder, ankylosing spondylitis, and paralytic disorders.
- Chiruvilwadi Kashayam treats piles, fistula, abdominal lump, indigestion and constipation. This improves the digestion and increases metabolic rate. It relieves from abdominal issues, improves appetite and reduces constipation. It serves highly beneficial in non-bleeding piles, so it should not be given if one has bleeding piles. It is not suitable for patients with fissures and burning defecation.
- Dasamulakatutrayadi Kashayam is an ayurvedic classical medicine usually rendered for reducing cough and dyspnea occurrence in the lung’s diseases or respiratory disorders. This has hot potency and reduces mucus production (pacifies Kapha Dosha). Hence, it serves best for patients suffering from excess production of mucus, that occurs in diseases like catarrh and bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a bronchodilator. This promotes proper airflow to the lungs henceforth eases patients from breathing problems. This Kashaya relieves chest pain, headaches and fever.
- Dhanwantharam Kashayam is an ayurvedic medicine used for diseases of the nervous system that serves as a common medicine for paralysis, quadriplegia, tissue wasting and hemiplegia. It strengthens the body, particularly the muscles, and cures different parts of the nervous system. This can be used for puerperal and children’s diseases as well. It relieves from pain, numbness and swelling associated with Vata Disorders. This can pacify Vata Dosha and improves the strength, that can be given to people suffering from spondylosis, uterine diseases, hernia and rheumatic disorders.
- Elakanadi Kashaya is prepared from the mixture of medicinal herbs. The important herb ela is called as cardamom that acts as a diuretic given to patients with respiratory problems, cough and asthma.
- Gandharvahasthadi Kashaya is an ayurvedic medicine with natural laxative in herbal decoction form, and it treats flatulence, anorexia, bloating and rheumatic complaints.
- Indukantha Kashaya aids in the treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal spasms revitalises the body, and joint pains. It is mainly used in the treatment of fever and abdominal disorders. This is beneficial in the bloating, abdominal distension, loss of appetite. It also pacifies Vata and Pitta in the body.
- Manjishtadi Kashaya manages anaemia (iron deficiency), rheumatoid arthritis, and skin disorders. This can be mainly used in the treating the skin diseases.
- Nadee Kashaya is mainly used in post-natal care. That treats joint pains and intestinal spasms. Nadi Kashayam is prepared out of natural herbal ingredients that are water-soluble.
It’s effective in marma injury (vital points), fracture, sciatica and brachial neuralgia.
- Nayopaya Kashaya is a remedy for all the types of joint issues, asthma, and cough. It is used as a treatment for respiratory diseases like bronchial asthma.
- Padolamooladi Kashaya cures skin ailments, constipation inflammations, and leprosy. Its mainly used for detoxification process.