Weight Loss Ayurveda Treatment for Obesity & Overweight
Ayurveda states that the tendency to not gain adequate weight or more weight will depend upon five body elements being in imbalance and constitutes 3 doshas, namely, Kapha, Pitta and Vata. The top reasons cited for obesity is considered to be inactivity and poor dietary choices. If the underlying dosha causing imbalances are not properly managed on time, then even diets and physical workouts undertaken is not likely to work.
Causes of Obesity / Overweight
The reason and causes for Obesity & Overweight is given below:
- Lacking in hard work
- Digestive disorders
- Lack of exercise
- Sedentary & lazy lifestyles
- Unhealthy diet & hormonal imbalance
- More fat calorie intake & overeating
- Intake of oily & heavy food items, like fast food
- Improper food assimilation
- Excessive usage of smoking and alcohol
- Heredity (children of people who are obese are at high risk)
- Drugs such as antidepressants and steroids might cause excessive weight gain
- Disease like insulin resistance, hypothyroidism are great contributors to several disorders.
- Slow metabolism may lead increase in weight and depositing of fats.
- Psychological factors such as anger, sadness or boredom may reduce activity level.
- Age (People generally over 40 may gain weight)
Obesity according to Ayurveda tends to deal with how food is processed by our digestive system and impacts liver pertaining to anabolic metabolism, thereby causing Ama (toxins released by drinks and foods) and Kapha to accumulate excessively. Kapha if present in imbalance may cause obesity or gain in weight, where Ama buildup is quite common among underweight people.
Matt India Ayurveda offers Obesity Therapy which includes several Ayurvedic treatments to help enhance Fire element and to reduce anabolic metabolism. Several steam and powder massages are included in the program besides Ayurvedic oral medications for increasing pitta (fire) to enhance the body’s catabolic metabolism.
Besides Ayurvedic medications and treatments, there is taught to lead a better lifestyle and intake of healthy diet at our ashram apart from practicing meditation, pranayamas, yoga, etc. They can help to optimize Ayurvedic therapy’s effects for weight loss.
Weight Loss Ayurveda Therapy
- Swedana : Its to get rid of toxins through herbal steam therapy.
- Abhyanga : Medicated Warm oil massage is done to rejuvenate the body
- Kizhi : Its fermentation therapy done using medicated pouches.
- Elakizhi : Herbal Therapeutic massaging which is done with warm pouches containing herbs
- Udvarthanam : It helps in Removal of excessive cellulite deposits using dry powder massage.
- Pizhichil : It tones balance in Muscle during oil bath