Ayurveda Treatment for Thyroid
These days, Thyroid has become a common ailment suffered by majority of the Indian women. This ailment occurs if there is impure blood, thereby causing hormonal imbalance in the body. There can be witnessed several symptoms such as anorexia, weight gain, weakness, loss of cheerfulness, reduced inactivity, etc. But in case of hyperthyroidism, the patient experiences increased metabolic activity, weight loss, high pulse rate and palpitation.
Women these days are mostly affected with Hypothyroid issues, which in turn causes hormonal imbalance in their body. it also causes several other associated health issues. Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be treated effectively with Ayurveda. At our center, we have managed to treat a good number of patients who were suffering from such health issues. In other treatment methods, the patient requires being dependent upon medication and is to continue taking them throughout his/her life and face persistent symptoms. It is quite natural for the patient to seek complete remedy and elimination of the disease.
Hypothyroidism incidence is found to increase with each passing day and hence, the demand for proper Ayurvedic cure to treat this disease is also witnessing significant increase. This form of treatment is completely safe and natural. It is possible to treat Hypothyroidism effectively and can only be done by understanding the disease properly and to select appropriate drugs, which again depends upon the health condition faced and its exact aetiology.
Treating Thyroid and other ailments with Ayurvedic medicines
Head massage: Those experiencing Hypothyroidism is likely to develop gout problems. this dysfunction may cause uric acid production. It causes the joints to face extreme pain and even arthritis. There is used root of Eranda or Ricinus Communis Linn to prepare an herbal remedy called Amrutadi Taila. This oil can be used externally or orally.
Nasya Therapy: It is also referred to as Nasya Karma and can help treat thyroid dysfunction. Medicated powders and oil is used in the nasal passage. This Ayurvedic therapy is considered to be part of 5 pronged Panchakarma treatments that is used for detoxification, to restore balance and to develop immunity. This procedure also involves using of Neti pot, a special vessel to pour medicated oils inside the nostrils by tilting the head in a particular angle. The oil then moves through one nostril to the other and comes out. Pregnant women, people experiencing inflammation, fever, diarrhea; the elderly and young children cannot avail this treatment.
Dough Basti treatment: This container is prepared from black bean (urad dal) to hold war herbal oil and is poured over the adrenal glands or thyroid. Thyroid issues are taken care with this treatment, while blocked throat chakra gets improved. Depending upon the thyroid’s specific problem and the patient’s body constitution, the specialist may prescribe different herbs and oils.
Foot massage: They are considered to be points present on the feet which correspond directly to the Vishuddhi chakra or throat chakra. Those points are to be massaged thoroughly approximately for 2.5 minutes to control thyroid dysfunction. It is at the feet’s inner ball edge that these points can be found. The massage is best performed in semi-circular movement.
Shirodhara & Dhara: Vishuddhi Chakra’s Dhara treatment is one where there is poured medicated oil upon the affected region by using the Dhara pot. In case of Shirodhara treatment, there is poured warm liquid in continuous thin stream over forehead region. This form of treatment helps the nervous, immune system and psychological process to function properly and results in thyroid releasing hormone level changes. At the same time, symptoms occurring in the hormones in abnormal levels also improve significantly. To cure Thyroid dysfunction, treatment like Abhyangam, Sirovasthi can be beneficial.