Rejuvenation Therapy with Kerala Ayurveda

Rejuvenation Therapy with Kerala Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic texts, “Rasayana” is the word for getting healthy again. Rasayana is defined in Ayurvedic medicine as “that which destroys old age and disease.” The goal of Rasayana, also called “rejuvenation therapy,” is to keep the enzymes in the cells of the body working normally. This therapy gives these cells a new lease on life. The mind is made more calm, and the nerves and bones are kept soft and comfortable. This keeps the body from getting older and keeps the person from getting sick, even as they get older.

In Ayurveda, Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikitsa) helps tone the skin and strengthen body tissues so that people can live longer. Because the “Ojas” (primary vitality) and “Sattva” are working at their best, the body’s resistance as a whole goes up as well (mental clarity). The therapy also includes massages of the body and face with special herbal oils and creams that are made to fit the patient’s needs. Medicinal steam baths and special medicines made for each patient are two other ways to treat the disease.

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Immunisation and a Treatment for Living Longer (Kayakalpa Chikitsa)

This method is used to slow down the ageing process and stop body cells from breaking down. It is also thought to help the immune system. It is said to work best before age 50 and contains the rasayana (special Ayurvedic medicine and diet).

Body sneeze (Sweda Karma)

Special steam baths can make your skin look better and help you lose weight , too. This is highly recommended for people with rheumatic diseases because it is known to ease pain. Herbs are steamed and put on a person for up to 20 minutes. A special massage of the hands with herbal oils helps tone the muscles and get the blood flowing.

Keeping up with your weight

Herbal oils and powders are given to help people stay at the right weight. The treatment also includes special herbal juices that help improve the body’s health as a whole.

Skin care

Herbal face packs, herbal oil massages, and drinking herbal tea all help the skin look better and feel more alive.

Keep reading: Ayurveda Rejuvenation Therapy in Kerala, India  

Physical and mental health (meditation and yoga)

These treatments are meant to calm the mind and make it easier to focus on things other than the body. Through the eight steps of training, one tries to reach peace.

  1. Disciplined behaviour (Yama)
  2. Self-Purification (Niyama)
  3. Body postures (asana)
  4. Control of breathing (Pranayama)
  5. Control of the senses (Pratyahara)
  6. Fixing of the mind on a chosen object (Dharana)
  7. Meditation (Dhyana)
  8. State of absolute tranquilly and wellbeing (Samadhi)

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