Mom’s Ayurvedic Postpartum Tips

Mom’s Ayurvedic Postpartum Tips

Mom’s Ayurvedic Postpartum Tips: You have to set clear expectations about the visitation look and the price of visit it cost them. If you can recognize visitors exacerbating the Vata dosha, their presence reduces stress and anxiety, not aggravating it. Working a visit around a chore or bringing a meal can assist you with other children for a few minutes of seeing the baby.

Main focus is on blossoming relationships with the Mother and the baby. You should not have any obligation to give up a single second of those baby snuggles. There comes attachment of an unbreakable bond between you and your child. This kind of attachment creates the feelings of love, safety and trust between a mother and her child. It would be the first time this little person to experience that type of interaction. This serves vital to foster the baby to form healthy attachments later in life.

This ain’t a time for enjoying a hospital pizza, if you are at the hospital or for an order takeout when you are at home. The digestive fire or Agni, would be low after your delivery, hence food must be easy to digest.

You can go for a Kitchari Soup or other comforting foods. Have consideration about the Ayurvedic food combinations for easy digestions. Cheese, beans, fruit, eggs, yoghurt and potatoes are the biggest culprits at this time.

Your hormones are lipid-based that are usually fats. Intake healthy fats for good recovery of your body. The good quality fats are vital for balancing the hormones. Vata people require fat to return to balance state. You have to provide your body with those healing fats as a protective measure.

The water should be warm or room temperature. This helps to vitiate Vata and some basic signs of imbalance like constipation. The body doesn’t require to work as hard using warm water.

There are some spices like cardamom, cumin, cinnamon, fennel and fenugreek that are good allies to restart your digestion along with herbal teas and incorporating these spices in dishes to promote lactation.

Apana is the subdoshas of Vata that allows the expulsion of the baby where the movement goes down. Your uterus, your organs and your body requires time to find their places. It is good to give them time. Usually, the gravity of the standing posture is too intense on the body for a least of a month to recover.



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