Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for Oesophageal Hiatus Hernia

Hiatus hernia” is a common problem in women in their middle years and later in life. When this happens, the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity. In Ayurveda, the part of the stomach above the diaphragm that looks like a tear is called Vidagdhajirna.

Causes of Hiatus Hernia :

Some of the main things that cause this disorder are being overweight or obese and eating a lot of spicy and sour foods. Stress, worry, tension, anger, and fear all make this disease worse in important ways. This disease can also be caused by problems with the way the oesophagus is built. Hiatus Hernia can also be caused by things like intestinal blockage and flatulence that raise the pressure inside the abdomen and push the stomach up.


  • Nausea
  • Heartburn
  • Acid Reflux

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Ayurvedic Approach

With a Hiatus Hernia, one or more of the Vata, Pitta, or Kapha Doshas can get worse. Ayurveda says that if you have an imbalance of one of these doshas, you should avoid foods and ways of living that make it worse. Before the condition can be healed, these doshas and qualities that are out of balance may need to be brought back into balance.

Vidagdhajirna makes Pitta Dosha more liquid, which puts out the fire in the stomach and makes digestion harder. Food starts to go bad, which makes it hard to digest. The ayurvedic medical system claims that Vidagdhajirna is characterised by the aforementioned symptoms as well as excessive sweating, thirst, vomiting, fever, dizziness, burning eyes, and falling asleep. It might show up as painful ulcers. The goal of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore healthy digestion and balance the body’s energies.

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Diet and lifestyle changes

Oesophageal hiatus hernia is caused by a structural imbalance that can be fixed by eating and living the right way.

  • People should eat regularly. Meals late at night should be avoided at all costs.
  • People should stay away from fermented and sour foods. No junk foods, either.
  • Stop drinking coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.
  • Garlic, onion, ginger, pepper, chilli, and cinnamon all make things hotter, so you should stay away from them.
  • The same harm comes from spicy gravies and sour, salty, and spicy non-vegetarian foods.

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Home Remedies

  • Take Amalaki Churna with pure ghee or any other preparation of amla (gooseberry).
  • Take Shatavari in different forms on a regular basis.
  • When you have an Oesophageal hiatus hernia, pomegranates can help.

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