
Ayurveda wellness with Panchakarma

Ayurveda wellness with Panchakarma

Ayurvedic Background Indian Ayurveda has showed the way how individuals can live and had made the progress from a world loaded with ailments to the world perfectly fit and healthy. The significance of Ayurveda is tremendously grown with regards to alternate forms of medicine. What is Panchakarma? Considerably the most eminent branch of Ayurveda is Panchakarma. The name Panchakarma emphasizes “Five Actions” which is well-suited technique relied upon five distinctive basic activities that controls the body namely Vomiting, Purgation, Niruham, Anuvaasan, and

Ayurveda & Rejuvenation for Body & Mind

Ayurveda & Rejuvenation for Body & Mind

A nourishing essence and a unique element of ayurvedic science is Rejuvenation Therapy. Rejuvenation, also called Rasayana keeps your body sprightly and young. It rewires the body, mind and soul altogether. This therapy is called an anabolic therapy in the West Region rebuilds and restores the whole human system by strengthening it. It includes nourishing mind and body during depletion by the use of four elements. They are Diet (Ahara), Lifestyle (Vihara), Herbal Medicine (Aushadha), Behavioural Medicine (Acharya). This

Ayurvedic Perspective On Psoriasis

Ayurvedic Perspective On Psoriasis

In Ayurvedic context, the term ‘kushtaroga’ is mentioned frequently for discussing about skin diseases. ‘Kushtaroga’ is a Sanskrit term that means “skin disease” or “skin condition”. This term is not used for a specific disease or condition but is rather a common term for all skin problems in Ayurvedic medicine. In the Ayurvedic text, Charaka Samhita, ancient Ayurvedic scholar Charaka particularly stressed on kushta roga with a complete chapter dedicated to kushta roga (skin conditions) and a term related to kushta

Ayurvedic Remedies For Migraine Relief

Ayurvedic Remedies For Migraine Relief

Migraine gets relieved by freshly brewed peppermint tea or even by massaging your temples with peppermint oil and leaving it on for at least half an hour A sleep of at least 7-8 hours every night should be ensured A cup of ginger tea helps to cope with the symptoms of migraine e.g. nausea Some Yoga asanas (poses) can be effective to relieve aches. For example, hastapadasana (standing forward bend), setu bandhasana (bridge pose), balasana (child pose), marjariasana (cat stretch), Paschimottanasana (two-legged forward

Understanding Doshas

Understanding Doshas

Understanding Doshas: It’s quite a wonder why different people’s bodies react differently to the same experiences. It is because they’re all constituted by different doshas that are the biological energies found throughout the human body and mind. They have a physical and mental impact which is ultimately reflected in your health. These doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. All three are present in everybody. It is simply the ratio of the presence of each that makes us different from the

Caring for the Body During the Pandemic with Ayurveda

Caring for the Body During the Pandemic with Ayurveda

Prevention is always better than cure. Amidst the proliferation of the corona virus throughout the world, our top most priority should be taking care of ourselves and taking all necessary steps to boost our immunity so our body is ready to fight the virus as a self-defence system to protect our bodies. Ayurveda suggests some easy and simple ways that are doable at home in order to care for ourselves. What can be done on a regular basis? Drinking warm water throughout

Ayurvedic Morning Routine

Ayurvedic Morning Routine

Ayurvedic Morning Routine: It can be quite challenging to get by in today’s world with modern necessities and digital distractions as soon as you wake up. It can leave you feeling a bit lethargic. Falling into a routine and getting our circadian rhythms back on track will make us feel grounded, and in control of our lives, immediately making us feel energetic. There are a few simple ways to achieve a great morning routine with Ayurvedic guidance. Sleep Well Contrary to

Ayurvedic self-care for mother's

Ayurvedic Self-Care for Mother’s

Ayurvedic Self-Care for Mother’s: Choosing the Ayurvedic way to heal after the postpartum period is helpful in a way that it is not restrictive and is easy to accommodate in your daily routine. It isn’t demanding and the methods prescribed by Ayurveda are pretty flexible, exactly what is needed for a new mother whose entire life is now unpredictable. Post-birth, a mother loses all her balance and her whole body is changed, her mental state is now different and she

Baby Diet

Baby’s Diet

Baby’s Diet: Ensuring that the child receives proper nutrition is of the highest significance, especially during its infancy. Considering how the baby is absolutely new in the world and is yet to develop a metabolism and digestive process. It can be complicated as to what to feed the infant when there are multiple restrictions. Ideally, a newborn infant should be fed breastmilk while the mother must ensure she does everything to produce healthy breast milk. This should be done exclusively

Caring for the infant with Ayurveda, first six months

Caring for the infant with Ayurveda, first six months

Caring for the infant with Ayurveda, first six months: When a newborn is brought out into this world out of a mother’s delivery, the entire world around him changes. From staying cocooned inside the mother’s womb for nine months, suddenly it is out into this large environment that may cause so many challenges to the bay who doesn’t even know how to combat them. So naturally, it is the mother’s duty to now create an obstacle-free environment for the

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