Ayurveda has 5000-year-old science of life. Based on Ayurveda, every person is made of five different elements like air, space, fire, earth and water. These elements combine to form doshas like Pitta, Vata and Kapha. In most people, one dosha is primary and the other two are secondary. The ayurvedic massage maintains balance between the mind, body and spirit. The ayurvedic oil massage uses warm oils and non-traditional strokes to the individual. The ayurvedic massage uses
The constant focus on screen leads to eye problems such as myopia, double vision, dry eyes, redness in eyes, enhanced light sensitivity, blurred vision, vision deterioration and pain in the neck, shoulders and head. The problem arises from spending more time on any type of screen, either computer, mobile or tablet. There has been a steep rise in people reaching for Ayurvedic treatments for eye problems. The eye specialists want people
Certain factors cause swelling and tightening of airways. The airways are filled with mucous that constrict the route for air to pass through. People experience shortness of breath and feel hard to breathe. This condition is called an Asthma attack and disease known as Asthma. Various types of Asthma The Childhood Asthma 9.7% of children aged between 5-14 years get Asthma at this stage. 4.4% of kids aged 0-4 years get affected by Asthma at a young age. The common triggers are stress,
The ancient practice of ayurvedic treatment is considered as the natural form of healing that originated 5,000 years ago in the Indian sub-continent. The Ayurveda has a natural process to heal, cure, improve the physical, mental and emotional condition of human beings. The Ayurveda is considered as the way of life that teaches everyone to enhance their lifestyles healthily and understand the changes happening in the body. The Ayurvedic Treatments Ayurvedic ways are based
Ayurveda suggests having a therapeutic head massage once in a fortnight for keeping your doshas in balance as well as providing rejuvenation to the head and scalp region. This could not be possible for people to visit the Ayurvedic practitioners regularly. In these circumstances, you can do self-massaging with dosha specific Ayurvedic oils to have similar benefits as you avail at massage centers. As a preliminary step, determine your Prakriti and find the doshas needed to be
The process of Shirodhara involves treating your forehead, as the nerves are highly concentrated by pouring a stream of warm Ayurvedic liquids. Gentle pressure of warm medicated liquid is applied on the forehead leaving you in a meditative state. The procedure to be followed are For this massage technique, you can lay on your back on the Shirodhara table. Pillow or a small cloth can be placed under your neck for support. The Shirodhara pot contains medicated liquid hanging from
The journey of tri-trimester of carrying your mini-me version would be a roller coaster ride to cherish all life. The news of being pregnant to sensing those little flutters in your tummy is a mesmerizing voyage. Nine months of pregnancy imposes mental and physical demands on the mother, and after childbirth. The mother focuses her energy on caring for and nurturing her baby. This would take a toll on the child bearer’s health. People are becoming more conscious and aware as
The Shiroabhyanga The ” Shiroabhyanga” is the Sanskrit word for ayurvedic head massage that means the application of oil, called “Abhyanga” and to the head, said as “shiras”. The head is the seat of several important marma points that control the flow of prana, known as “vital energy” throughout the body. The Ayurvedic head massage is an effective therapeutic tool to induce relaxation and healing. Nothing is comparable to the therapeutic massage you receive from
Several ways can improve your health and well-being. People are looking for holistic treatment to heal and improve their well-being from the inside out. The best route to achieve this is with Ayurvedic body cleansing. This method works well when performed by the trained professional with ample experiences. It can be a life-changer in many ways. How does it help you? There is a five-step process involved in Ayurvedic body cleansing that has various forms. It all has the single goal of
We all want to remain fit and look good. Some people avoid gaining weight by exercising excessively or starving themselves. The individuals may suffer from the eating disorder said to be Anorexia Nervosa. It involves an unrealistic body image, emotional challenges and exaggerated fear of becoming obese or overweight. The increasing influence of eating disorders and social media are becoming common among teens. Women and men would develop anorexia nervosa, but it is most common in females. Anorexia nervosa is a