The only thing that everyone does is try to stay healthy. But even though they do this, they still have serious bronchial problems for which they want a permanent fix. At Matt India, you can get rid of bronchial diseases with our 7-21 day treatment package. Matt India -The Ayurvedic Treatment Center is the best place to go if you have a disease of the lungs. For treatment of bronchial diseases, Ayurvedic doctors use both external and internal methods. At
At Matt India, Ayurvedic Weight Loss Program lasts from 14 to 28 days and gives you a fresh start on a fit and healthy life. This programme guarantees that your metabolism will change in a real way. This programme helps you lose weight in a healthy way by giving you massages, rearranging your diet, and giving you pills to take by mouth. The programme includes a controlled Ayurvedic vegetarian diet and massages with herbal powders and enriched
Life has become too fast to handle, which not only affects us on the outside but also causes an internal imbalance that leads to a lot of lifestyle diseases. On top of that, things like seasonal imbalances, a buildup of emotions, erratic eating habits, a bad diet, and resisting natural urges make the situation even worse. The ayurveda treatment at Matt India is the best way to deal with stress and stay healthy. Through herbal oil massage, steam therapy, special herbs,
Even the name “Parkinson” makes you break out in a cold sweat. It sounds dangerous and scary, doesn’t it? So, what is Parkinson’s disease, and why does it scare people so much? Parkinson’s Disease is a Motor System Disorder. It is a disease of the nervous system that starts to show up around age 50 and mostly affects older people. It is a disease that gets worse over time, which happens most of the time. Symptoms of Parkinson’s? Restricted and slow movements Muscle stiffness all
Lumbar Spondylosis – affects the lower part of the spinal cord and gets worse over time. When a person has “lumbar Spondylosis”, the space between the vertebrae gets smaller, which hurts the “Spine”. This can lead to a number of health problems, from back pain to neurological issues. The condition can also cause inflammation in the area, which makes the nerves more sensitive. Symptoms of Lumbar Spondylosis low back pain or numbness that can spread to the legs difficulty moving weakness in the leg
Do you suffer from Slip Disc? Is it making you feel pain and numbness on one side of your body that you don’t need to, or are you having strange aches, burning sensations, or pain that spreads to your arms or legs? Does it bother you more at night or when you do certain things? Have those small, easy walks all of a sudden become painful, or do your muscles feel weak for no reason? The main cause of that painful
People don’t realise how important something is until they start to lose it. So it needs to be dealt with if we want results that go deep and last forever. The Ayurvedic Treatment gives you a unique chance to see the world in a new way. The treatment package will get rid of toxins, which will clean the blood and make the body healthier. It also helps the blood move through the body. Even though we all tend to use our
What are allergies then? Ayurveda says that an allergy happens when an allergen makes a certain Dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) worse. Ayurveda talks about allergies in terms of the doshas, depending on which one is affected in each case. The person who is mostly pitta is more likely to get a pitta type of allergy, while the person who is mostly kapha is more likely to get a kapha type. Let’s take a look at the three types of allergies that the ancient
Ayurvedic medicine says that hip pain is a sign of a high Vata dosha. It is a common complaint that can be brought on by many different things. Hip pain on the outside of your hip, upper thigh, or outer buttock is usually caused by problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues that surround your hip joint. How to Treat Hip Pain. In Ayurvedic medicine, regular oil massage, called snehana, is seen as a very effective way to
We all have a basic immune system that isn’t very strong. As we get older and interact with the world around us, our bodies meet different microbes and learn how to fight them. This makes our immune system stronger. And we need a strong immune system to keep our bodies’ ability to fight off things from the outside that make us sick. Ayurveda looks at immunity differently than modern medicine does. Modern medicine says that our immunity is made up