Can Ayurveda Cure for Psoriasis?

Can Ayurveda cure for Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is considered to be chronic condition of the skin, where there is noticed rapid increase of the skin cells. It causes white & red dried skin patches in affected regions. It is also non-contagious and affects skin of knees, scalp and elbows. As per allopathy, it is caused due to overactive immune system and treatment involves oral medications, occlusions, light therapy and steroid creams.

Ayurvedic treatment procedure

  • All age groups are affected.
  • Maladies & infections are high blood lipids, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases & inflammatory infections.
  • 5 types exist: Erythrodermic, Pustular, Guttate, Inverse and plaque.

Symptoms noticed:

  • Red, raised & inflamed thick skin patches of silverfish, whitish or reddish colour.
  • Soreness around patches.
  • Red patches & silver-white scales in thickened skin.
  • Thick, pitted nails
  • Cracked, bleeding dried skin
  • Emotional distress
  • Painful swollen joints
  • Raised skin bumps filled with pus
  • Blistering skin
  • Restricted motion surrounding the joints

Ayurvedic Treatment –Diagnosis

Ayurvedic Texts describes following reasons for the disease:

  • Dietary habits & lifestyle causing Vitiation of Vata Dosha & Kapha Dosha.
  • Ama in body along with heredity, psychological and mental stress.
  • There are also several other causative factors.

Ayurvedic Treatment – Permanent or Temporary?

  • Conventional medicine is of the belief that no permanent cure exists for psoriasis. However, Ayurvedic treatment does offer long relief, although not a permanent one.
  • Factors like body system make-up and heredity may cure different person at different times, with the overall effect depending upon genetics.
  • Ayurvedic treatment is more effective, offers longer relief and relapsing time as against conventional medicine.
  • After providing Ayurvedic treatment, there are noticed non-relapsing cases, something not derived after conventional treatment.



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